Friday, May 21, 2010

It's my tenure-versary

One year ago today, I walked to work with dress-pants, a dress-shirt, and a tie, ready to face the tribunal at my tenure hearing. In case you haven't read ALL my blog posts, you can find out more about the big day in my first post. As I walk to work today, I'm remembering the motivational messages that Trish and Fiona wrote on the sidewalk with chalk.

What an amazing feeling to have such support (not unlike the feeling of being thrown a surprise 40th birthday party).

Over the past year, I've allowed myself to grow in a number of directions (happily, none of those refer to my waistline... quite the opposite, in fact). I started my blog the day after I got tenure, and also embarked on a new major research project in computational neuroscience. A week from now, my grad student and I will be submitting a paper to NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems conference). The research has produced some interesting results that might help to unveil the algorithm that the brain uses to learn.


  1. Happy tenure-versary. You deserved tenure all along and never should have had to go through that.

    I am not just saying that 'cause I'm your wife. It's the truth!

    Some Yellow Tail tonight to celebrate?

  2. Thanks Trish. I appreciate the vote of confidence.

    And for those who aren't familiar, "Yellow Tail" is a brand of wine (get your mind out of the gutter).
