- The statement of “seven heavens” is repeated 7 times. “The creation of the heavens (khalq as-samawat)” is also repeated 7 times.
- The word “Day (yawm)” is repeated 365 times in singular form, while its plural and dual forms “days (ayyam and yawmayn)” together are repeated 30 times.
Those are kinda neat, but would be trivial to implement. It's a shame that the word "Day (yawm)" couldn't be repeated exactly 365.256363 times.
Now for the amazing number 19!! Again, just a sampling:
- The first verse of every sura (chapter) known as “Basmalah” (bismillah al-rahman al-rahim) consists of 19 letters.
- The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is 19 x 6.
- The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334.
- 6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346. Note that 6+3+4+6= 19.
- The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19 x 6.
- The Zakat charity is mentioned in [a number of verses that] add up to 2395. This total does not quite make it as a multiple of 19; it is up by 1.
The Hajj Pilgrimage occurs in 2:189, 196, 197; 9:3; and 22:27. These numbers add up to 645, and this total does not quite make it as a multiple of 19; it is down by 1.
Thus, Zakat and Hajj, together, give a total of 2395+645 = 3040 = 19×160.
... yadda yadda yadda ...
The list goes on and on, quoting many MANY quantities that are divisible by 19.
It occurred to me that every 19th number is divisible by 19.
Moreover, suppose you have 100 different quantities that you tabulate in a document (eg. number of chapters, or times a word is used). If you consider all possible combinations of those quantities, you'll get about 1030 values. In combinatorial notation, that’s
(100 choose 1) + (100 choose 2) + … + (100 choose 100).
If one out of every 19 of those is divisible by 19 (as one would expect), then you’re left with more than 1028 “coincidences”… combinations of quantities that are divisible by 19. In fact, there will be a comparable number of “coincidences” for 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, etc.
These numerology "miracles" are statistically unimpressive, and certainly not proof that the Quran is the divine word of Allah.